Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Delay, Delay, Delay

by CoachJane

How many of us women, delay doing those things that we really want to do, those things that would be so good for us?

As women, we are great at looking after everyone else. How many of you feel you are being over-indulgent if you do something just for you? Some women treat their pampered dog or cat better than they do themselves.

Self care is a mindset. I have coached young Moms on the value of self care. They usually feel they have to spend every precious moment with their kids, their spouse, doing responsibilities around the house, etc. You know the drill. We have all been there.

The crazy part and what these young Moms learn after working with me, is that they actually become a better Mom, wife, friend, etc., when they take some time out for themselves.

What does self care look like for you? Is it a daily walk, is it swapping babysitting services with a friend, lunching with a friend, talking a course ………….There are limitless possibilities. I have had clients for whom taking a bubble bath was a real treat. It isn’t so much what you do but how it makes you feel that counts.

How stressed are you? Life is journey and many of us are lugging so much baggage that we are not seeing the sights. None of us will ever be perfect no matter how hard we try but we can choose to enjoy this journey called life. Smile you are alive!

If you are thinking of being brave and doing something really cool for yourself, join us for the Dare, Dream Discover Tour. Indulge yourself and enjoy the experience of a lifetime!

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